
1.  Don’t put off things that you can do today.  It’s so easy to find ways to stay busy and fill our days to overflowing until there’s no time left to do the things we should do or want to do.  The Internet has made this far easier!  Time passes by quickly, and before we know it, it’s long past time for bed.  Make it a habit each day before you sit down at the computer to do at least one thing you SHOULD do.  Nothing horrible will happen if you make work or emails wait a bit, and you’ll have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment for having accomplished something you know you should have.  2. Whenever you see an opportunity to do a good deed, jump on it!  Whether this is opening a door for someone in a wheelchair, helping an elderly person to load groceries into their car, making a casserole and taking it to a neighbor who’s ill, or sending a “just thinking of you” card to a friend or family member you haven’t talked to for awhile, do it.  It’s sad that at times I’ve offered to help someone out and they look at me with suspicion or even anger.  We live in a day and age where it’s “every man for himself” and good deeds are incredibly uncommon.  Let’s bring back the days of common courtesy and kindness.  Not only will it make the other person feel good, but you’ll walk away feeling downright incredible!  3.  Don’t be a nag.  There’s nothing worse than having someone hovering over your shoulder telling you you’re doing something wrong, should do it better, or forgot to do it at all.  Women are notorious for nagging, but men are guilty too!  I have a few Capricorns in my life who seem especially good at this skill.  I say live and let live.  Nobody is perfect, and people certainly don’t need to be reminded of their shortcomings.  Instead, choose to focus on yourself and ways to make your life happier.  Many times nagging is just a cover up for deeper problems in a relationship, or a way to take the focus off yourself and the reasons why you aren’t feeling happy or fulfilled.  With my naggers, they mean well.  They have the “I’m a mom/dad to the world” syndrome going on.  I love and respect their well-meaning reminders and advice, but as an adult it tends to get a bit annoying.  We’re all on our own path in life; try not to walk on someone else’s too much.  4.  Unsubscribe to all but your most favorite groups and newsletters.  It adds stress to our already busy lives to wake up each morning and see our inbox stuffed full of messages, most of which we don’t even care much about.  Take a look at the groups and newsletters you’re signed up for, if they aren’t offering you anything of value, let them go.  Unsubscribe to catalogs, magazines, and junk mail you don’t read.  You’ll save some trees while saving your time and energy from having to sift through the stuff and tossing most of it out. 

5.  Think good thoughts, especially about your past.  We’ve all had some really bad things happen to us.  Some worse than others.  Refuse to dwell on these negative memories.  All it serves is to bring your energy level down, and surround you with an aura that deflects anything good from coming into your life.  Whenever a negative thought about the past comes up, replace it with a positive thought that is equally powerful.  For instance, say you were abused as a child or in a relationship and a certain event pops into your mind.  Instead of giving in to the memory, bring up a happy memory you have and recall it in as much detail as possible.  If you have very few happy memories, or find it hard to come up with something when anger or pain strike, make a list of some happier times when you’re in a good mood and read it when you’re feeling down.  You could even write down future events that you hope to experience.  If you were in a very bad relationship, write down what you would love in your next relationship.  (Be reasonable though because nobody’s perfect!)  Write down what your future mate will be like and some happy times you’d like to share with him/her.  This is also a great way to program your mind and energy field into attracting what you desire most.  The past is gone, it’s done and over.  The only way it can have any effect on you now is if you let it.  Those “bad memory” pathways have worn a groove in your mind, so it’s much easier to recall them–whether we like it or not.  Choose to create “positive memory” pathways and see the difference it makes in your mood, and in your life.Thank you for joining me,

Dr. Kelly Pscyhic Counselor




1. Beliefs become reality. It’s good to question your beliefs from time to time. Do they still serve you? Or are your beliefs holding you back? As Anais Nin said, “We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are.” The way one person sees something may be totally different than how someone else sees it. And that’s all due to our internal belief system that has been set up since we came into this world. Next time you sense anger, fear, or worry coming up, look inside yourself and see what beliefs are helping to create these feelings. Now ask yourself if you truly need to hold on to the belief. How much happier and freer would you be if you let it go and adopted a more positive and constructive belief system?

2. Put up a picture of yourself as a child. Talk to it often. Very few of us can say that we had ideal parents, or that our childhood was wonderful in every way. Each one of us has an inner child that is wounded, angry, lonely, or sad in some way. Find a picture of yourself when you were smiling as a kid. Frame it. Set it on your nightstand or hang it on a wall that you pass by often. Look into the eyes of the child you were and offer a smile in return. Send loving, healing thoughts to your child self. This may sound like a silly thing to do, but you’ll be surprised at the amount of emotion that erupts when you dare to look into your own eyes. Do you feel bad for the child in the picture? Sad? Do you feel the child is weak and pitiful, and it makes you angry and disgusted just to see that face? Any negative feelings that come up are clear indications that work needs to be done, issues need to be faced, and emotions must be healed.

3. Set small goals and accomplish them every day. How many times do you fall into bed at night feeling you got nothing accomplished? There’s a long list of things you’ve wanted to do, but somehow you forgot about them, got sidetracked, or by the time you remembered you were too exhausted to even care. Make a list of your top goals for the following day. Try to include no more than five things since you don’t wan to feel defeated before you start. Tackle each one in turn until you’ve got the list cleared out. Then when you settle down to some well-deserved relaxation time, you won’t feel guilty! Do this for large projects and long-term goals too. Break them down into tiny steps that are easy to follow. Pretty soon you will have accomplished what you set out to do.

4. Don’t let a bad mood or worry color your days–and especially your nights! Good and bad feelings only control our lives if we allow them too. Naturally, we’d love to have positive thoughts constantly dancing through our minds! Too often though we see life through the glasses of a bad mood or worry. When we do this, nothing seems right or good any more. Our problems appear insurmountable, and people seem completely impossible to get along with. If they had a gold medal for worrying, I’d be the Olympic champion every time. There are times when I lay in bed awake allowing every worry–real and imagined!–to parade through my mind all night long. Lately though when I catch myself in this worry-wart mood I put on the brakes and laugh at myself. After all, what in the world can I accomplish by worrying? Worrying is passive. It gets you nowhere. And it has never, ever solved or prevented a single thing! Then I change my worry to wonder. I ask myself, “Hmmm…I wonder how I can overcome this obstacle? Maybe I could try this. If it doesn’t work, I’ll try something else.” The following morning I put my plan into action. Now, this is doing something! I’m actually moving forward and creating change in my life! Next time you find yourself worrying or in a bad mood, realize that it’s simply a quirk in your thought patter at the moment. Stop yourself right there in your tracks and change your line of thinking to that of wonder. “I wonder why my boss is in a bad mood today? Maybe he’s under a lot of stress.” Or, “I wonder how I can pay my cell phone bill this month? Maybe I can take the bus to work or share a ride with someone a couple times a week and save on gas money.” By changing your mind to that of curiosity and wonder you allow growth to take place. Give it a try next time you find your mind spinning wheels. See what you can come up with that will create changes.

5. Wear sunscreen. Okay, this seems almost silly, but do you use it? I live in Tucson, Arizona, and I can tell you that about 90% of the people out here don’t even seem to know what sunscreen is! Who wants to look 60 when they’re really 40? Who wants to risk skin cancer? Who wants to look like Samsonite luggage?! There are some things in life we can’t prevent, but some things are very preventable. Taking care of yourself is easy once you get into the habit. I wear sunscreen whenever I’m out. I even buy face powder with sunscreen in it. Of course, I have my grandfather to thank for my skin care rituals. He worked for a real estate company for 20 years and was in charge of putting up signs for companies. He was out in the sun nearly every moment of his work life. And he had skin cancer covering just about every square inch of him! Back in the 70’s nobody knew about or cared about sun damage. We used to slather ourselves in Coppertone oil and bake ourselves! Now we know better. You only have one body in this lifetime. Take care of it as best as you can.

Thank you for joining me,

Dr. Kelly Psychic Counselor

